Tag Archives: breast cancer awareness

“This Month’s Hot Trend: Raising Awareness!”

1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

1 in 3 women have been victims of [some form of] physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime.

In honor of Awareness Month, we have picked our favorite pink and purple products to give back. Each one of these products gives a portion of their sales to help these women.

Most are aware of Donaylle Nicole Hair Studio’s involvement in charity, so October being awareness month is a great time to continue giving. We have loved supporting the Center for Woman in Tranistion and this year started to work with Cathy’s Caps. We strongly encourage and deeply appreciate your support this month to these charities.

Here is a list of products inclusions:


For more information on the Center for Woman in Transition you can visit their website here.

If you would like more information on Cathy’s Caps you can email sbouth@comcast.net or call 231.744.8236.