Monthly Archives: March 2013

“Would You Be Friends With You?”

Attending seminars is something many find boring. I am one of those rare nerds who really loves it, as long as the speaker is engaging of course. Not too long ago I heard a discussion on how to determine what kind of friends we should associate with, later the tables were turned and the audience was asked ,if we ourselves even qualified as a model friend. Now that was sobering.
Recently I saw a quote that read,”If when we were five years old we were introduced to the person we are now, would they be proud of who we’ve become?”
That was so profound to me. Imagine if we all spent time meditating on that. What if before any action, word spoken, or decision made, we were forced to ponder that thought? Would we end up exactly as we are now? Would anything change? Are we perfectly content with the ways in which we have nurtured our relationships? Have we really stretched ourselves in our friendships, marriages, work relationships, and in family ties, to show that we truly have a beautiful heart? Do we love our own character, or are we secretly ashamed, and embarrassed to stand up for what we, and whom we know to be right? Are we one that can always be counted on for strength, loyalty, and support? Are we known for our loyalty, and for being trustworthy, and the one willing to take on the world to defend anyone ill-treated, especially if it is a friend?
As I really meditate on this topic I can honestly say that it sounds like a tremendous amount of work, thought, empathy, sympathy, spirituality, love, action, effort, care, humility, knowledge, and sensitivity. I can also say with the utmost sincerity, that it sounds completely effortless, if in the end, the experience of such friendship makes it as light as the air we breath. Signing off!

“I Don’t Even Like The Beatles!”

Last night, a former contestant was brought back to my favorite show, “American Idol”.
This week, all of he contestants had to sing a song from the, “Beatles”.
It was not as shocking to me as, it was to the judges, that many of the contestants were completely clueless about their songs. Most had never even heard the songs they had to perform, even once.
Clearly this was not the case with, Casey Abrams. He came on for a guest appearance and sang, “When I Saw her Standing There!”
Never have I had such a strong reaction, to a Beatles song being performed, in my entire life. For me the Beatles have always been a group of people that wrote great music,and are artistic musicians, but I would just prefer to hear anyone other than them sing their songs.
Yes,… I realize that I am treading on dangerous ground. I have many a friend that feel these singers are the greatest thing since sliced bread. I can still recall, some of those friends dragging me to a Beatles tribute concert.
Crowds of people were gathered to scream, yell, shove, and obsess, over old men, with very scary makeup, attempting to look and sound like the Beatles. I clearly was confused. I looked at my yelling friend, and said, “Let me get this straight, you are yelling your heads off right now because, some imitation Beatles are singing their songs?”
I can tell you that I was never invited to attend a tribute concert again. I wasn’t trying to be a brat. I really just did not get it.
What I did get,…was last night! What that dude did With the that song was pure magic! He caressed those strings, on that humongous instrument before him. He held back, at all the right times. He took his time developing that song. He laid his head to the side and skatted certain parts, as if the words just would not do the music justice. He laid his head back, and growled at one point, and howled at another.
If it wasn’t for my child sleeping beside me, I would have been screaming my head off, like some love sick, teenage groupie, attending that tribute concert. I guess I must like the Beatles, after all.
What if we could go to work every day, and entertain at that level? What if rather than focusing on human resources, public relations, political correctness, and all that jazz, we focused on having fun with our customers? Can you imagine, how time would fly by? What if we were not so focused on perfection, and professionalism, that we were striking chords with our guests emotionally? It would be kind of like not worrying about singing the Beatles songs like a purist ever again. It would be like, whoever had the sheet music in their possession, just let it rip, and made your heart bleed to listen?
Now that would truly be an experience? What could we all do this week at our places of employment to be just a little less stiff, to entertain and delight, without being overly focused on the politics? Things could get mighty interesting, don’t ya think? Signing off.

“If Your Are healthy and ya know it,…CLAP YOUR HANDS!”

I just have to share my gratitude, to all of you, who could have aided me in getting over that nasty flu virus. I have always, always admitted that I am terrible at being sick. This last flu however, took my theory to an entirely different level. I really am horrible at it!
I took all of your advice, from the toddies, to the vitamin D, to the vitamin c, to the sleep, hot tubbing,…you name it. I was so desperate, I just about dove head first into Clorox bleach, but some felt that might be a bit extreme.
What I learned from this experience is how grateful we all must become If we are blessed to feel pretty decent, even most of the time. There is so much to do on any given day. Who has time for fever, vomiting, coughing, nose blowing, migraines, etc…NOBODY!
Let’s all make a pact that if we are feeling good, even for just this moment, we will say thank you. I know I am sounding dramatic right now but for those that know what I usually accomplish in a day, maybe not. That was the worst part for me. I could not accomplish. I realized that being able to accomplish is truly a gift, and one that I hope never again to take for granted.
I hope to just show more gratitude in general, after having so much time to reflect, being stuck in bed for all that time. Tell me the things that went through your mind the last time you felt deathly ill, and unable to accomplish anything. I want to hear from you. Signing off.

“Oh No..Not The Flu!”

Here we are with spring right around the corner, and now my body decides to surrender to all the germs around me. I think I must have gotten cocky. Typically my entire family can be vomiting around me, and I just push right on through. I simply tell myself, that I do not have time for it, I double up on immune system builders, and that is that.
What on earth happened this time? Well never mind all that now. It is too late. Now we simply must focus on making sure it does not turn into that three week nightmare. If I have anything to say about it, it won’t last one week. I need to get back to work!
So far I’ve done all that I can remember to do, plus I went on YouTube for more natural cure ideas. If you are wondering why I did not see a doctor, aren’t they just practicing medicine? They will tell me that I must let it run its course. They may prescribe an antibiotic, which will then slow down my body’s natural antibodies. No way! I need a strong immune system, for goodness sake.
So far, I have increased fluids, taken tons of vitamin c powder, tons of rest, hot toddies, ibuprofen for splitting head and body ache, chicken Soup. Probably the most unique things done,have been soaking in a hot tub filled with very hot water, coconut oil, peroxide, and essential oils. Let the toxin sweat out begin!
I have even done oil pulling. You put organic coconut oil in your mouth, and swish for twenty minutes. Never swallow, as this has pulled bacteria from the system. I know, it sounds crazy, but it sure cannot hurt. Oh yeah, I even tried the peroxide in the ear canal which is supposed to kill bacteria that causes the sickness. Now that I have done all I can think of, I am open to your suggestions. Signing off.

“What does singing have to do with business?”

Have you ever watched a television show like “American Idol”, “The Voice”, or, “X-Factor”, and thought,….humph….this reminds me of my job!”
Most people do not have a mind as wacky as mine is . I end up comparing music, to work. More specifically to singing, and Customer service. This requires a ton of intuition. I hope to always work with my little, sister,because we share a passion for singing, and for great intuition.
Rarely must I use words, to get a point across to one so intuitive as to what a customer might desire. Too often, a simple glance between us, is all that is needed.
Imagine a microphone in front of your face, in a crowded room of people waiting to be entertained. Wait! Are they waiting to be entertained, or are they hoping to be moved, from the heart. Now we are going into the next stratosphere. People want their needs to be more than just met. Anyone can meet needs. That means you did what someone asked of you. Is that really hard?
What if you touched someone at the emotional level? Would you have much competition?
When I watch shows like, “American Idol, I scream at the television”.
What if a note sung is not celebrated with enough time, power, or tonal value? What if the singer is above the note, slightly under it, or using way too much vibrato? Are you affected emotionally? Of course you are!
I believe that the most beautiful instrument is not the trumpet, flute, piano, or clarinet, but the human voice, used in such a beautiful way, that an instrument, no matter how expertly trained, cannot compete.
Have you ever, been at a concert, where one sang a note so pure, that you cried?
Have you ever listened to a concert, where, the singer could be compared to nails on a chalkboard?
Think about it? Singing has many of the same things involved as the service business. Most people will never tell you that they are thirsty. Most will not say, that the water used for their shampoo, was either too hot, or too cold.
Think about the level of intuition one would need to discern if a client should be ready for a warm up on their coffee! Are they chilly? What are the signs? Is it hard to see if they are thirsty, hungry, burning, freezing,etc…
If we sing, do we know, how to tell, if we are affecting our audience from their heart? Did we hold that note too long, or sing too flat, or add too much drama or vibrato, that shows us how well we can relate to people.
If we were to compare the quality of the music we make, to how orchestrated we are in customer service, their would be no such thing as competition. No one could touch Us! What do you think? Signing off