Monthly Archives: September 2013


Today I had an extraordinary experience
at my salon. We have been meeting each Tuesday morning as a team. We discuss a topic that can positively influence personal development, improve our technical skills, and increase professionalism.
We analyzed today, how powerful our thoughts are. Were you aware that the brain can only think one thought at a time. If we allow a negative thought to live in our minds, we are actually crowding out space for a positive thought.
How about this. Did you know that it is nearly impossible to be a negative person,and not be BROKE!
Who likes people messin’ with their money? I am fairly certain that we take offense to anybody messing with our livelihood.
So why is it, that we are not equally protective of our minds? Why are we so careless about whom, and what we allow to influence our thinking?
We did a team experiment. I asked each employee to write down their 5 closest friends. After completing the list, they had to guess approximately how much income each friend earned annually. Next they added the numbers together, and then divided that number by the 5 friends (even if one or more made nothing), in order to find the average.
I would love to have you all try this. It is fascinating. Often you will find out exactly how influential your closest friends are by this exercise because, your income will nearly match the average you came up with.
We attract whatever we are around most often. What are the voices in our ears? Who are we Face Booking most often? Who are we on the phone with? Who is on the radio? What shows are on our television sets? What games do we play? WHAT ARE WE READING?
If we have no interest in paying the bills, then ignore this post. If you are sick of having a poverty mentality and want to replace it with a more abundant attitude, and lifestyle, then
we may have to reevaluate who, and what we are hangin’ out with.
The easiest way to protect your money, is to stop being a money repellant. Take a close look at who is in your ear most often, influencing your thinking? Figure it out fast though, before you go completely broke.
Go ahead…take the challenge. Find out if it proves true, or not! I would love to hear what you discovered. SIGNING OFF!


By now we should all realize the power of a negative attitude at work. It is truly like the gangrene found in our body, that when left unchecked, can cause us to lose our lives.
I admit to being guilty of trying to hold on so tight to a member, that I could have infected my entire body of people. Was it really wise to continue making excuses for the poor soul, who continually brings problems to work, perpetually makes excuses, and repeatedly dumps their stuff all over my customers?
This will literally cause us to lose our culture, our brand, our reputation, our credibility, our minds, our status as professionals, and even perhaps other body members.
Think of body members as other staff that we have worked hard to develop. If “Negative Nancy”, is permitted to continue infecting our culture, then we are in BIG TROUBLE!
When employees do not realize that negativity results in a lost opportunity to work in our businesses, than it is as powerful as leaving an infected body part around to kill the rest! IT MUST BE REMOVED …STAT!
Never has their been a time period when I have felt so strongly about this. I have literally witnessed a passionate, excited person, give up realizing all of thir dreams, aspirations, and goals, due to allowing the voice behind them, to ruin their original perception of all that is good in the world.
That terrifies me! We are so sensitive to the emotions of those around us.
We can make it better though. We can make a commitment to ignore the “NEGATIVE NANCY”, in our culture, and try to be a part of the solution, rather part of problems. Imagine the joy that we can experience knowing that we were one of the “good guys”, refusing to participate in any venomous behavior in the work environment.
The thing we all must remember, is that negativity, is like dirty dishes. Our dirty dishes will be waiting for us, when we return home. There is no person that wants to experience them, see them, hear about them ,or even know that we are the type of person that leaves dirty dishes in the sink.
The obvious solution, is to keep it to ourselves, and focus on being a professional, who can, ” act as if!”
The same is true about our drama. The customers don’t care, don’t wanna hear about it, the boss doesn’t need it, the other employees definitely don’t wanna deal with it,…. So what’s the obvious solution?


Do you work in the service industry? My sister is the manager of my hair salon. Recently she and her husband went to view the new movie,”THE BUTLER!”
Oprah Winfrey collaborated with some of the greatest actors of all time. The star was Forrest Whittaker.
Two of my sisters viewed the movie. Their was a lot of heavy content. It amazes me how quickly my family members deduced, that I should never watch it. They know that I would be too heartbroken? I don’t do well with movies about injustice.
What were your thoughts after viewing this movie? When you think of a servant’s heart, who comes to your mind? Signing off.