“Everybody needs love”. How often have we heard this old cliche? Is it really just an old cliche though, or is it a fundamental truth and an absolute necessity?

People were not put on this earth merely to exist. People were meant to thrive, to be happy, and to thoroughly enjoy the magnificent gift of life.

Just imagine, if we all intentionally raised our consciousness to be more focused on love? We are all aware that love is essential to our happiness and our overall well-being. So why are we leaving something so vitally important to chance, or even worse, to other people?  We must start looking inward first. How can we expect to experience love from others, if we don’t even love ourselves. How can we expect someone else to love us,  if we can’t even stand ourselves? Until we learn the art of  lavishing love upon ourselves, we will never be equipped to lavish love upon anyone else.

When I discovered that love was an actual art form, I was highly intrigued and I wanted to know more. I started paying closer attention to how and where people search for love, (myself included). The majority of us rarely think to work from the inside out. This is understandable, since it is counterintuitive thinking and behavior. Society finds it more acceptable to speak negatively about oneself, than to speak positively.  Low self-worth is more readily accepted, than high self-esteem. It is essential that we all learn to love ourselves, in order to enjoy better relationships, and to have a higher quality of life.

Do me a favor. The next time you look in the mirror, pay closer attention to the thoughts that you allow to enter your mind. Yes I said allow, because we are in charge of the thoughts that we think. We decide if want to allow a negative thought to linger, or to change it into a positive thought. We choose whether or not to criticize the person staring back at us in the mirror. Why not choose to love, accept, and approve of our reflection?

Love is a powerful magnetic energy. If we can tap into that love energy by deliberately focusing on being more loving in the way that we think, the way that we treat ourselves, and the way that we treat others, we cannot help but attract more love into our personal  reality. Love always attracts more love.

Try this exercise for the next 30 days,  and keep a journal of what you discover. Before engaging in any activity, ask yourself if what you are about to do manifests love for yourself. This  could includes things like, what are you going to do for your meals? Who are you going to associate with closely, someone who nourishes you or someone who is toxic for you? What hobbies will you pursue? How will you spend your time and money?

When we fail to pay attention to ourselves, we could unknowingly end up engaging in things that manifests self-loathing behaviors. We want a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves, so that we can attract healthy, loving relationships to ourselves.  Always remember where it all begins. It all begins with lavishing love upon ourselves.

Donaylle Nicole


  1. Wake up slowly, taking the time needed to get into an positive mindset before your feet ever hit the floor.
  2.  Get out in nature, smell the roses and acknowledge the beauty in creation.
  3.  Pay attention to what makes your body feel the best. For example: Do you honestly feel better drinking a bunch of soda pop, or a bunch of water? Give your body what it needs.
  4.  Travel as much as possible.  I love the idea that the money you spend on travel, makes you richer rather than poorer.
  5.  Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
  6.  Be kinder than necessary to yourself and to others.
  7. Pay attention to what lights you up inside, so that you can engage in those activities and experiences even more often.
  8.  Make lots of nourishing connections with stimulating, interesting, positive people.
  9. Eat a lot of living foods, to increase your energy and vitality.
  10. Have an attitude of GRATITUDE!





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