Monthly Archives: April 2013


Do you often have so many creative ideas pop into your head,that you are afraid to share them with other people, for fear they question your sanity?
I read something not too long ago, that actually recommended waiting a while before releasing a fresh idea to the world. It stated that we are better off taking some time for our ideas to grow, take shape, mature, ripen, and, fully form into a real thing of beauty. Isn’t it a shame though, that so often, the very ones we should be most excited to share our crazy new schemes with,. …..uh oh …..not so much!
Well, what can ya say. The world is full of naysayers. It is full of people who feel that the sky is falling! If you live in a world where the glass is half full,… well sorry, you are not gonna relate to people whose glass is half empty. If you are not a chicken little, and, you think something great can still be a possibility every single day, here is your deal… The problem is simply this,….YOU BELIEVE!
Tell me something that you are dreaming about, or that you do dream about , that you don’t want others to think is silly,or that you used to dream about, but you were too afraid of what others would think to pursue it? Signing off.

“Should I Call In?”

Have you ever wondered if you were possibly being a little inappropriate with your choice to call in sick to work? If you had to wonder, then I am going to go ahead, and answer for you. Yes!…you were WAY…..INAPPROPRIATE!
You disappointed the business, the customers, your team, the people who were counting on you. You created a headache for the employer that they did not need. They already have to pick up the slack, while providing employment for others. Why not take a moment to ponder, how little time business owners have, often times, to spend with their spouses, and children. It can be very time consuming, setting up a company especially, when the employees are regularly coming up missing.
The brown bag flu is no reason to call in sick. Staying up too late is not an acceptable reason to call in sick. Being too tired, or too sad, because you and your man had a bar fight is an unprofessional reason to stay home from work. It is actually even embarrassingly, up-surd. When we eat what we know we are allergic to, and now we have a belly ache, that does not qualify either…Sorry! My finger hurts, my, toe, hurts, my hair won’t curl, etc…
I want to hear from you. What are some of the most ludicrous reasons you have called in sick for personally, or that you have heard others calling in for, that you feel people should never call in to work for? Signing off.

“Invest in friends like you Invest in Stocks?”

I have had a lot of feedback by readers who read my latest post. As people really contemplated if they could, or would be friends with themselves, if given the chance, I was totally amazed by all of the emotion felt. Some failed to comment, due to the discomfort felt, as they attempted to process the weight of the questions, brought to the table. I knew that it was a highly emotional post for me, however I was shocked that so many others would be moved.
As I questioned readers privately, at a later time, I learned so much. That is one of my favorite things about blogging. It allows me to Learn, and grow, and expand my development. I get to experience other points of view. It is a true gift.
A friend sensed another level of emotion, behind the words. I was advised to think of friendships ,like the stock market. It was said that One should only invest, what they can afford to lose, emotionally. As I ponder that concept of keeping it sort of business like…how sad!
If we are not willing to be vulnerable, not only will we not invest in the stock market, we won’t start businesses, try new things, develop new friendships, challenge ourselves to learn new things, or even get married.
I thought about how my life would be different if I made decisions in my life, business, and in relationships, with the same approach as buying stocks….I am not so sure that the five year old version of me, would be proud to know me, or would even want to be my friend. Is that crazy? Let me know. Signing off!