Monthly Archives: September 2017

“Eat Superfoods TO Look and Feel Sunny!”

When I think of the word sunny, I automatically think of other words. Words like bright, warm, clear, cheerful, happy, and vitality come to mind. What could be better than feeling all those things? Don’t you agree that the sun can even inspire us to be more active, and put us in a more positive optimistic mood?

Consider this. How do you feel when you wake up, look out of your window to find it dark, gloomy, and raining? Are you fired up to get your day started, with a feeling of boundless energy? That isn’t likely for most of us. Typically when we see dark ominous weather, we just wanna crawl deeper under our covers and go back to sleep.

Doesn’t it make sense that to feel like getting up and out the door, with the most energy possible, we should not only be out in the sun and fresh air with vitamin D pouring into us, but also that we should eat more foods impacted by the sun? How can we do that? We can strive to eat more nutrient dense foods packed with antioxidants that give us the vitamins and minerals we need to be on our way to looking and feeling better. Think about it. Wouldn’t we feel more alive, if we ate more living foods?

Who else besides the creator who made food exist on the earth wants more for us regarding our health and wellbeing? Nobody that I can think of. Look at what has been provided as living food? We have foods that grow that are so powerful that they can improve brain function, balance blood sugars, lower chance of heart diseases and cancers, and even reverse the aging process. That is simply awesome. In many parts of the world, plants, herbs, and essential oils that grow in nature are used instead of medicine. If you look at places like Okinawa, Japan you will be fascinated by the health of the high population of people over 100 years old. Why? They eat a lot of Superfoods, or foods filled with antioxidants. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are almost unheard of. The same is true of the Mediterranean diet.

In this part of the world we sometimes hear of different superfoods becoming a fad, like kale. Wouldn’t it be so much more powerful if we committed to eating superfoods as part of our daily lives?

Its a simple concept. Living foods make us feel more alive, while dead foods make us feel more dead. If we want to know if we are choosing the right fuel for our tank, we pay attention to how our vehicle is performing. If we wanna know how we are doing with our diet and the kind of nutrition we feed our bodies, take a self audit. Ask these 5 questions tomorrow when you first wake up:

1) When I wake up in the morning how do I feel? Is it hard to get out of bed due to aches and pains? If so we may want to see what’s causing me to become inflamed. Inflammation causes pain. Try the anti-inflammation diet (google it).

2) When I look in the mirror and wash my face, how does my skin look and feel? If the skin feels super tight, it might mean that some high quality healthy fats are in order like flax seed oil, coconut oil, wild salmon and avocado.

3) If the brain is foggy and we feel like we can’t think clearly, incorporate more beets in your diet, and lay off anything that increases an overproduction of yeast in your body( sugar, flour, dairy, and beer for example). Eating beets is like giving your brain a shot of genius.

4) If we have low energy, eat tons of living foods, especially superfoods, and get out in the sun and walk. Your energy will gradually increase. Also increase the amount of water you drink. Shoot for at least 8 glasses a day.

5) Do I look and feel a lot older than I should? Too much junk food or dead food will age us so fast. Think of the kind of woman a man brags about. Is she cheap, easy or fast? Nope! Do not make it a habit on living on foods that are cheap, easy and fast.

Remember the famous words from the , father of medicine, Hippocrates “Let food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy food!”

My Simple Superfood Smoothie:

1 1/2 cups of organic pineapple juice

2 cups of frozen blueberries

2 handfuls of fresh organic baby spinach

1 Tsp of oraganic coconut oil

place ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy!







