Monthly Archives: August 2017


Did you know that how happy you are, is really up to you? It is absolutely true. When I discovered that my happiness is my personal choice, I literally began researching more about how and why that is the case. It isn’t that I am not a happy person most of the time, but I love the idea that I can be more in charge of how much of it I get to experience based on a variety of things. I loved learning that I don’t have to sit back and wait for happinsss to come, or even to wait on another to provide it for me. It is exciting to me to contemplate engineering my own happiness.

If I am not a person that doesn’t suffer from chronic unhappiness, depression, and/ or anxiety, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t important for me to inform myself, so that perhaps I can help someone else, who may be struggling with this. It seems like every other person I talk to is being treated for anxiety, depression or even both. It wasn’t that long ago, that people kept things like that private. It was thought of as taboo to be medicated, or to be seeing a therapist to help control all of these negative emotions. Once I started to really pay attention to how many people are unhappy, I was eager to study ways that we can naturally feel happier.

One of the things that is making it harder for people to get their negative, unhappy feelings under control, is that they are not heightening their awareness to how many negative, unhappy thoughts they allow to linger in their minds. The next problem occurs, because typically people focus on the mind all by itself, without considering the whole person. If more people knew how closely the body and the mind work together, they would live very different lifestyles.

The very essence of living life in a more holistic manner, means taking into account the entire person. We must include mental , emotional and social factors when treating someone’s physical symptoms. Dealing with feelings of unhappiness without considering the whole person is silly if you stop and really think about it. Take for example if you were caring for a small child, and we notice that they are upset, our first thought is never that something is wrong with that child mentally. We check to see if that child is hungry, tired, or hurt in some other way first. If that isn’t the case then maybe we would try a distraction technique, like finding something fun for them to do that we know that they enjoy. Maybe we would schedule a play date to cheer them up, so that they can connect with a great friend, or maybe we would sing a happy song, or do a silly dance with them. Why? It is because it works. What if we did more of these types of things when we feel unhappy as adults.

What do we have to lose? The next time you are feeling the blues, refuse to wallow in it. First of all, are we tired, hormonal, hungry, thirsty, or lonely? If so…. deal with those things first. Maybe we just need some sun, or some exercise in nature.  The next time you get into a negative, pessimistic thought pattern, make a conscious choice to change it. Stop being a victim, letting life take you on an out of control downward spiral. Get behind the wheel, heighten your awareness to what is going on inside your head, and drive your mind to a happy place. You are in charge. If you want to feel happier, then engineer yourself to a happier place, rather than sitting there letting life happen to you, as if you have no choices. Try these happy ideas on for size:

1) Play your favorite song loudly, and dance like nobody is watching you. There are not many things that will raise your vibrational frequencies like listening to music, and dancing. You will notice an immediate mood shift, as long as the music is uplifting.

2) Call up a good friend who makes you laugh. You know that you have answered that phone, even when you knew that a, “Debbie Downer” was calling. Stop doing that. If it is going to be a toxic tell-all then run. Spend time talking to people who make you feel good.

3) Read an inspiring, positive piece of literature. Many thought leaders are writing great work to encourage self- development and self-love. You can’t go wrong spending time reading and meditating on books that are focused on optimism and well-being.

4) Get all dolled up, go out and meet A friend at your favorite restaurant . You will not feel any pep in your step, when you look like a mess. Even if you are just staying home, you don’t want to scare yourself when you pass by a mirror. If you don’t feel good in what you are wearing, take it off.

5) Treat yourself to something that lights you up inside. Do you like massage, candle lit bubble baths, or a concert at the symphony? Then go out and do it?

6) Sing, even if your voice isn’t the greatest. Sing anyway, at the top of your lungs.

7) Tell yourself out loud how much you love, accept, and approve of yourself every time you see your reflection. If you don’t allow other people to insult you, then stop insulting yourself.

8) Detox from negative people, and situations. Find optimistic, positive people to surround yourself with.

9) Drink great wine by the fireplace.

10) Focus on being thankful for every blessing in your life.

Donaylle Nicole







Clearly we are not speaking of severe clinical depression,  brought on by a chemical imbalance, (although some people  have had success reducing or eliminating medications for mood disorders using a more holistic approach).





“Everybody needs love”. How often have we heard this old cliche? Is it really just an old cliche though, or is it a fundamental truth and an absolute necessity?

People were not put on this earth merely to exist. People were meant to thrive, to be happy, and to thoroughly enjoy the magnificent gift of life.

Just imagine, if we all intentionally raised our consciousness to be more focused on love? We are all aware that love is essential to our happiness and our overall well-being. So why are we leaving something so vitally important to chance, or even worse, to other people?  We must start looking inward first. How can we expect to experience love from others, if we don’t even love ourselves. How can we expect someone else to love us,  if we can’t even stand ourselves? Until we learn the art of  lavishing love upon ourselves, we will never be equipped to lavish love upon anyone else.

When I discovered that love was an actual art form, I was highly intrigued and I wanted to know more. I started paying closer attention to how and where people search for love, (myself included). The majority of us rarely think to work from the inside out. This is understandable, since it is counterintuitive thinking and behavior. Society finds it more acceptable to speak negatively about oneself, than to speak positively.  Low self-worth is more readily accepted, than high self-esteem. It is essential that we all learn to love ourselves, in order to enjoy better relationships, and to have a higher quality of life.

Do me a favor. The next time you look in the mirror, pay closer attention to the thoughts that you allow to enter your mind. Yes I said allow, because we are in charge of the thoughts that we think. We decide if want to allow a negative thought to linger, or to change it into a positive thought. We choose whether or not to criticize the person staring back at us in the mirror. Why not choose to love, accept, and approve of our reflection?

Love is a powerful magnetic energy. If we can tap into that love energy by deliberately focusing on being more loving in the way that we think, the way that we treat ourselves, and the way that we treat others, we cannot help but attract more love into our personal  reality. Love always attracts more love.

Try this exercise for the next 30 days,  and keep a journal of what you discover. Before engaging in any activity, ask yourself if what you are about to do manifests love for yourself. This  could includes things like, what are you going to do for your meals? Who are you going to associate with closely, someone who nourishes you or someone who is toxic for you? What hobbies will you pursue? How will you spend your time and money?

When we fail to pay attention to ourselves, we could unknowingly end up engaging in things that manifests self-loathing behaviors. We want a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves, so that we can attract healthy, loving relationships to ourselves.  Always remember where it all begins. It all begins with lavishing love upon ourselves.

Donaylle Nicole


  1. Wake up slowly, taking the time needed to get into an positive mindset before your feet ever hit the floor.
  2.  Get out in nature, smell the roses and acknowledge the beauty in creation.
  3.  Pay attention to what makes your body feel the best. For example: Do you honestly feel better drinking a bunch of soda pop, or a bunch of water? Give your body what it needs.
  4.  Travel as much as possible.  I love the idea that the money you spend on travel, makes you richer rather than poorer.
  5.  Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
  6.  Be kinder than necessary to yourself and to others.
  7. Pay attention to what lights you up inside, so that you can engage in those activities and experiences even more often.
  8.  Make lots of nourishing connections with stimulating, interesting, positive people.
  9. Eat a lot of living foods, to increase your energy and vitality.
  10. Have an attitude of GRATITUDE!



