Category Archives: Human psychology

“A Necessary Luxury?”

To any of you sitting in the salon chair to have salon services, the question may arise.  Is visiting the salon a luxury? Or a necessity? Below is a list of reasons that many visit hair salons and who view sitting in the “chair” as a  “NECESSARY LUXURY”.

  1. Leave it to the professionalsWhen it comes to color, treatments, really anything, it is best to go to someone who has been trained to perform these services.
  2. Your stylist knows what’s best for youFrom your skin tone, to your eye color, to your facial structure, to your daily willingness to maintain a look, your stylist knows what will look best on you.
  3. Salon Services save time and moneyIt cost twice as much to fix your mistake, then it does for your stylist to do it correctly the first time.
  4. Healthier Hair. If your hair can’t handle it, we won’t do it! However, we will find a way to make you happy. We have only the best products to lighten and brighten the hair without causing damage, like our new product CONTINUUM!
  5. Stress Relief! Hair Stylist are known as “the new therapists.” A stylist relationship with their client goes further than just behind the chair, but rather into the heart. Woman tend to divulge their stresses, problems, and greatest achievements when in the salon chair. Even if you aren’t a talker, who doesn’t need to relax? and how couldn’t you when getting a deep scalp massage or having your feet rubbed during a spa pedicure or skin rejuvenating facial?

These are just a few reasons to get  into the salon chair and as us HAIRDRESSERS SAY “out of the kitchen”.

Add more reasons below of why you love to sit in the SALON CHAIR. Best answer receives 10% off their next Salon Service!

Signing off.




Iridescence is a rainbow play of color caused by differential refraction of light waves, according to Webster’s. The definition that intrigues me is the lustrous or attractive quality or effect.
Just imagine the feeling you would have if you were ever described with a word that is so beautiful. Wow!
My children and I recently watched a film where a grandfather was encouraging his grandson to look beyond the surface. He was teaching him the value of having amazing character, and the importance of developing it in oneself. How awesome!
Do we spend enough time developing our character as a people today? Do we even care if we are described as flat, satin, glossy, or iridescent? When I contemplate that question, I must confess that it deeply moves me. How creative to be compared to the finish of paint. I really like that. It is so different!
If I was ever to be compared to a paint finish, by those who genuinely know me, which finish would I be? I definitely would not want to be described as flat. The idea of being semi anything sounds half done or incomplete. Glossy sounds kind of phony to me. Iridescent,… I love that! Someday I hope to deserve the word. Sounding off!

“Porch Time In Arizona!”

As Americans we can stand to learn a lot from the rest of the world about how to vacation. What’s with the one week deal? Who ever said that our views should set the standard for the appropriate amount of time to refresh ourselves, max and relax. Let’s be for real. Do you feel rested when you have a week that included check in, security, baggage claim, body scanning, etc…. I do not know about the rest of the world, but that does not feel like a vacation to me. Today I happened to arrive at a destination that felt like a genuine vacation. I was spending time in New Mexico for a family wedding. As you can imagine, that was anything but restful. It was good. It was nice, however it was exhausting. As I travelled further West, I happened to arrive in Phoenix, Arizona, at a good friends house. Now you know it is good when they leave the key under the mat for ya, because they won’t be home when you arrive. As we find that side door, with that key under the mat near the back yard…we Exhale! Everything feels different. Even Though we are far from New Mexico, the air has drastically changed. We enter a gate at the side of the house entering the back yard, where we will find the key, and……Ahhhhhh! This is vacation. I see lemon trees, grapefruit trees, flowers, fountains, and three different seating areas to enjoy the garden-like area. This is the back yard of family friends who have invited us to stay for a week. WOW! I pour a glass of delicious dry red wine. I pour a glass of Southern Comfort for my husband, and we bask in the delights of the fancy back porch area. The breeze is up. Lightening strikes, and raindrops threaten, yet never really fire. Here is the bottom line. Porch time in the right environment, at the right time, with the right people, is a Vacation second to none. Signing off!

“How Social Are You Really?”

Recently I was invited to attend a gathering of sorts. As the day of the party, got closer and closer, I began to hear some strange grumbling. It seems that people are getting confused as to how to define true friendship.
When I think of hosting a party, or a gathering of any sort, I hope that all those invited could tell you my last name. Who ever came up with the idea that a party is only a good one, if their are mass amounts of bodies in the same room.
When I was younger, I remembering thinking that my wedding wouldn’t be a real event, unless hundreds of people were there. The sad thing is, that whenever I go back and look at my wedding album, I don’t remember inviting half of those guests. Yes, yes they were invited, and yes I did know them all, but I have been so embarrassed when people ask me about something that happened at my wedding. Not only do I often fail to recall what this person is talking about, but I don’t even remember them being there. (Do not get cute, there was no alcohol)!
As I was reflecting on how relationships differ today, and who we view as a friend, or a connection, I shuddered. As it turns out, the person hosting the gathering, that I was invited to, had such a large amount of attendees, because it was posted on Facebook to all Facebook friends, that anyone could come. Now, I don’t know about you, but the thought of having every friend in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest, show up at my house for a dinner party, is CRAZYYYYYY!!!!!
Not only that, it is dangerous. It blows my mind that people think that someone they send email to, or they snapchat with, is their, “Bosom Buddy.”
Just because we follow someone on some social media site, does not make them friends. They could end up becoming an acquaintance, or a colleague at some level, but I think it would be pretty rare to find your new best friend on the internet. All things are possible, of course, but come on!!!
What would people do today with no other way to communicate, other than face to face, on landline phones, and through letter writing? BREATHE PEOPLE! It’s only hypothetical.
Do me a favor. Let’s all look at all of the people in our lives that we think of as friends. Now let’s put them into categories. Do we simply know each other by sight? Do we know where each other lives? Do we know one another’s family, other friends, career paths, likes, dislikes etc…
Let’s take a closer look at not the quantity of friends that we have, but the quality of them. I can hardly wait to hear what you come up with. Do share! Signing off.

“Mind Challenge!”

Have you ever noticed that our tendency when we wish for someone, something, or some experience, that we speak more of what we do not want? For example, how often do we hear statements like, “I hope I don’t catch the flu”, or “I hope I don’t run out of money!”
Researchers are saying that when we focus on what we don’t want, rather than what we do want the brain gets a mixed message. We could actually end up attracting the very thing that we don’t want. How scary is that?
It appears that the brain will manifest what we desire, whether we speak affirmatively, or negatively. We have to be very careful, not to affirm the very thing that we do not want.
When people talk about how fat they are, how broke they are, how dumb they are, how sick they are, or how depressed they are,…why do they seem confused when they get the very outcome that they affirmed, over and over again?
Let’s do a challenge together? Rather than’ “getting hung by our tongue”, let’s try to speak more of what we do want than what we do not want. This is very counterintuitive, so it definitely takes some getting used to, and a lot of focus.
Hearing your thoughts about this concept, would be delightful. Signing off!

“Do I Motivate?”

People have begun referring to me as a type of motivational speaker. This is not how I think of myself, however I am willing to explore the possibility. Have I ever said something that changed, or affected your point of view, or motivated you in some way? Now I have become curious. Is it true? If I have ever motivated or inspired you to do anything, change anything, rethink anything, or have a new perspective on anything,….please share that with me. I live to help others. I would love to know, in fact it would help me immensely to know. Signing off!

“Learn A New Language!”

I love learning! There is simply nothing like expansion. Life gets so bright, and perspective just keeps broadening, and everything becomes so exciting when we are committed to constant growth.
One of the latest things that I was privileged to hear, is the importance of being multi-lingual, or at the very least bi-lingual. Often, we hear people say that they are too old to take on learning another tongue, or that they lost their opportunity, by not doing it as a child.
Admittedly, I used to share that sentiment. It came from the idea that babies will learn multiple languages, depending on how many they are exposed to. A doctor then made a very good point. He said that it is ludicrous for adults to believe, that a baby can pick up language faster, when it can take them up to five or six years to even be understood clearly,half the time.
Brilliant!!! Never had I stopped to ponder how long it really takes for a baby to be easily understood, as opposed to how long it takes an adult, to understand another in their process of learning a new language. That certainly gave me the much needed push and confidence, to go for it!
Whenever I travel to a Spanish-speaking country, I always play a game with myself. How many new words and phrases, can I learn from the natives, before returning to the USA (aka…Los Estados Unidos).
Herein lies the problem. This is taking waaaayyyy too long! One must be immersed in a culture, before becoming fluent through osmosis. It can’t be a week or two long trip once a year. The last time I was in Mexico was over two years ago, so I am definitely losing momentum towards becoming fluent.
Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a bit extreme where learning is concerned. Daily I end up in some sort of class or another. The class I took on being multi-lingual brought out an amazing statistic. At least I had never heard it. For every new language you learn to speak fluently, it offers another million dollar opportunity to you each year.
Now I’m not sure about you, but I got all excited thinking of all the people that could be helped with that amount of dough. My family began our lessons to become fluent in Spanish last Friday. Our poor teacher. Who else wants in? Any takers? Signing off.

“Waking Up High Flying!”

How can we work so hard at being a positive person, only to wake up on a fresh new morning, feeling crabby?
Did you know that it is much easier to wake up happy, if we do not allow ourselves to go to sleep unhappy? When we are asleep we allow our minds to shut down, and push our reset button. If we wake up, and immediately begin to drag yesterday’s garbage, negativity, and general stressors into a new day, we have wasted our opportunity to reset our mood.
A great tip I recently learned, was to wake up, and force pleasant, grateful thoughts of appreciation until we feel good. Then and only then, should we allow our feet to hit that floor.
Most people wake up, and say things like, “Don’t Talk To Me, I Am Not a Morning Person!”
When did it become acceptable to wake up making the conscious choice to have a horrible day? What would life be like if we all refused to get up, until we forced a minds into a pleasurable place?
Sadly, it is hard to even picture! If we all commit to trying this together that could be super fun, and interesting. The stories compared among us would surely have amazing results. Think of all that we could learn, from all of that positive energy spinning. That would be amazing!!
People would have happy manners. Road rage would be a thing of the past. Imagine how our voices would sound, having dialogue with friends, family, and even perfect strangers. Ah!
If we awake up high flying, say something nice to ourselves when we first stand in the bathroom mirror, how could we attract anything but what we are putting out there? It seems like everything else in our lives would have to improve too. If we engineer our days instead of just letting our days happen to us, things would feel much more in control.
We could begin with just waking up thankful, that we woke up! Then we could recognize our gorgeous planet, and all of the other gifts given to humankind, that we may be taking for granted. Let’s do this! Let’s get grateful, and begin to live high-flying!!! What do you think? Signing off!