“Eat Superfoods TO Look and Feel Sunny!”

When I think of the word sunny, I automatically think of other words. Words like bright, warm, clear, cheerful, happy, and vitality come to mind. What could be better than feeling all those things? Don’t you agree that the sun can even inspire us to be more active, and put us in a more positive optimistic mood?

Consider this. How do you feel when you wake up, look out of your window to find it dark, gloomy, and raining? Are you fired up to get your day started, with a feeling of boundless energy? That isn’t likely for most of us. Typically when we see dark ominous weather, we just wanna crawl deeper under our covers and go back to sleep.

Doesn’t it make sense that to feel like getting up and out the door, with the most energy possible, we should not only be out in the sun and fresh air with vitamin D pouring into us, but also that we should eat more foods impacted by the sun? How can we do that? We can strive to eat more nutrient dense foods packed with antioxidants that give us the vitamins and minerals we need to be on our way to looking and feeling better. Think about it. Wouldn’t we feel more alive, if we ate more living foods?

Who else besides the creator who made food exist on the earth wants more for us regarding our health and wellbeing? Nobody that I can think of. Look at what has been provided as living food? We have foods that grow that are so powerful that they can improve brain function, balance blood sugars, lower chance of heart diseases and cancers, and even reverse the aging process. That is simply awesome. In many parts of the world, plants, herbs, and essential oils that grow in nature are used instead of medicine. If you look at places like Okinawa, Japan you will be fascinated by the health of the high population of people over 100 years old. Why? They eat a lot of Superfoods, or foods filled with antioxidants. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are almost unheard of. The same is true of the Mediterranean diet.

In this part of the world we sometimes hear of different superfoods becoming a fad, like kale. Wouldn’t it be so much more powerful if we committed to eating superfoods as part of our daily lives?

Its a simple concept. Living foods make us feel more alive, while dead foods make us feel more dead. If we want to know if we are choosing the right fuel for our tank, we pay attention to how our vehicle is performing. If we wanna know how we are doing with our diet and the kind of nutrition we feed our bodies, take a self audit. Ask these 5 questions tomorrow when you first wake up:

1) When I wake up in the morning how do I feel? Is it hard to get out of bed due to aches and pains? If so we may want to see what’s causing me to become inflamed. Inflammation causes pain. Try the anti-inflammation diet (google it).

2) When I look in the mirror and wash my face, how does my skin look and feel? If the skin feels super tight, it might mean that some high quality healthy fats are in order like flax seed oil, coconut oil, wild salmon and avocado.

3) If the brain is foggy and we feel like we can’t think clearly, incorporate more beets in your diet, and lay off anything that increases an overproduction of yeast in your body( sugar, flour, dairy, and beer for example). Eating beets is like giving your brain a shot of genius.

4) If we have low energy, eat tons of living foods, especially superfoods, and get out in the sun and walk. Your energy will gradually increase. Also increase the amount of water you drink. Shoot for at least 8 glasses a day.

5) Do I look and feel a lot older than I should? Too much junk food or dead food will age us so fast. Think of the kind of woman a man brags about. Is she cheap, easy or fast? Nope! Do not make it a habit on living on foods that are cheap, easy and fast.

Remember the famous words from the , father of medicine, Hippocrates “Let food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy food!”

My Simple Superfood Smoothie:

1 1/2 cups of organic pineapple juice

2 cups of frozen blueberries

2 handfuls of fresh organic baby spinach

1 Tsp of oraganic coconut oil

place ingredients in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Enjoy!


















Did you know that how happy you are, is really up to you? It is absolutely true. When I discovered that my happiness is my personal choice, I literally began researching more about how and why that is the case. It isn’t that I am not a happy person most of the time, but I love the idea that I can be more in charge of how much of it I get to experience based on a variety of things. I loved learning that I don’t have to sit back and wait for happinsss to come, or even to wait on another to provide it for me. It is exciting to me to contemplate engineering my own happiness.

If I am not a person that doesn’t suffer from chronic unhappiness, depression, and/ or anxiety, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t important for me to inform myself, so that perhaps I can help someone else, who may be struggling with this. It seems like every other person I talk to is being treated for anxiety, depression or even both. It wasn’t that long ago, that people kept things like that private. It was thought of as taboo to be medicated, or to be seeing a therapist to help control all of these negative emotions. Once I started to really pay attention to how many people are unhappy, I was eager to study ways that we can naturally feel happier.

One of the things that is making it harder for people to get their negative, unhappy feelings under control, is that they are not heightening their awareness to how many negative, unhappy thoughts they allow to linger in their minds. The next problem occurs, because typically people focus on the mind all by itself, without considering the whole person. If more people knew how closely the body and the mind work together, they would live very different lifestyles.

The very essence of living life in a more holistic manner, means taking into account the entire person. We must include mental , emotional and social factors when treating someone’s physical symptoms. Dealing with feelings of unhappiness without considering the whole person is silly if you stop and really think about it. Take for example if you were caring for a small child, and we notice that they are upset, our first thought is never that something is wrong with that child mentally. We check to see if that child is hungry, tired, or hurt in some other way first. If that isn’t the case then maybe we would try a distraction technique, like finding something fun for them to do that we know that they enjoy. Maybe we would schedule a play date to cheer them up, so that they can connect with a great friend, or maybe we would sing a happy song, or do a silly dance with them. Why? It is because it works. What if we did more of these types of things when we feel unhappy as adults.

What do we have to lose? The next time you are feeling the blues, refuse to wallow in it. First of all, are we tired, hormonal, hungry, thirsty, or lonely? If so…. deal with those things first. Maybe we just need some sun, or some exercise in nature.  The next time you get into a negative, pessimistic thought pattern, make a conscious choice to change it. Stop being a victim, letting life take you on an out of control downward spiral. Get behind the wheel, heighten your awareness to what is going on inside your head, and drive your mind to a happy place. You are in charge. If you want to feel happier, then engineer yourself to a happier place, rather than sitting there letting life happen to you, as if you have no choices. Try these happy ideas on for size:

1) Play your favorite song loudly, and dance like nobody is watching you. There are not many things that will raise your vibrational frequencies like listening to music, and dancing. You will notice an immediate mood shift, as long as the music is uplifting.

2) Call up a good friend who makes you laugh. You know that you have answered that phone, even when you knew that a, “Debbie Downer” was calling. Stop doing that. If it is going to be a toxic tell-all then run. Spend time talking to people who make you feel good.

3) Read an inspiring, positive piece of literature. Many thought leaders are writing great work to encourage self- development and self-love. You can’t go wrong spending time reading and meditating on books that are focused on optimism and well-being.

4) Get all dolled up, go out and meet A friend at your favorite restaurant . You will not feel any pep in your step, when you look like a mess. Even if you are just staying home, you don’t want to scare yourself when you pass by a mirror. If you don’t feel good in what you are wearing, take it off.

5) Treat yourself to something that lights you up inside. Do you like massage, candle lit bubble baths, or a concert at the symphony? Then go out and do it?

6) Sing, even if your voice isn’t the greatest. Sing anyway, at the top of your lungs.

7) Tell yourself out loud how much you love, accept, and approve of yourself every time you see your reflection. If you don’t allow other people to insult you, then stop insulting yourself.

8) Detox from negative people, and situations. Find optimistic, positive people to surround yourself with.

9) Drink great wine by the fireplace.

10) Focus on being thankful for every blessing in your life.

Donaylle Nicole







Clearly we are not speaking of severe clinical depression,  brought on by a chemical imbalance, (although some people  have had success reducing or eliminating medications for mood disorders using a more holistic approach).





“Everybody needs love”. How often have we heard this old cliche? Is it really just an old cliche though, or is it a fundamental truth and an absolute necessity?

People were not put on this earth merely to exist. People were meant to thrive, to be happy, and to thoroughly enjoy the magnificent gift of life.

Just imagine, if we all intentionally raised our consciousness to be more focused on love? We are all aware that love is essential to our happiness and our overall well-being. So why are we leaving something so vitally important to chance, or even worse, to other people?  We must start looking inward first. How can we expect to experience love from others, if we don’t even love ourselves. How can we expect someone else to love us,  if we can’t even stand ourselves? Until we learn the art of  lavishing love upon ourselves, we will never be equipped to lavish love upon anyone else.

When I discovered that love was an actual art form, I was highly intrigued and I wanted to know more. I started paying closer attention to how and where people search for love, (myself included). The majority of us rarely think to work from the inside out. This is understandable, since it is counterintuitive thinking and behavior. Society finds it more acceptable to speak negatively about oneself, than to speak positively.  Low self-worth is more readily accepted, than high self-esteem. It is essential that we all learn to love ourselves, in order to enjoy better relationships, and to have a higher quality of life.

Do me a favor. The next time you look in the mirror, pay closer attention to the thoughts that you allow to enter your mind. Yes I said allow, because we are in charge of the thoughts that we think. We decide if want to allow a negative thought to linger, or to change it into a positive thought. We choose whether or not to criticize the person staring back at us in the mirror. Why not choose to love, accept, and approve of our reflection?

Love is a powerful magnetic energy. If we can tap into that love energy by deliberately focusing on being more loving in the way that we think, the way that we treat ourselves, and the way that we treat others, we cannot help but attract more love into our personal  reality. Love always attracts more love.

Try this exercise for the next 30 days,  and keep a journal of what you discover. Before engaging in any activity, ask yourself if what you are about to do manifests love for yourself. This  could includes things like, what are you going to do for your meals? Who are you going to associate with closely, someone who nourishes you or someone who is toxic for you? What hobbies will you pursue? How will you spend your time and money?

When we fail to pay attention to ourselves, we could unknowingly end up engaging in things that manifests self-loathing behaviors. We want a healthy, loving relationship with ourselves, so that we can attract healthy, loving relationships to ourselves.  Always remember where it all begins. It all begins with lavishing love upon ourselves.

Donaylle Nicole


  1. Wake up slowly, taking the time needed to get into an positive mindset before your feet ever hit the floor.
  2.  Get out in nature, smell the roses and acknowledge the beauty in creation.
  3.  Pay attention to what makes your body feel the best. For example: Do you honestly feel better drinking a bunch of soda pop, or a bunch of water? Give your body what it needs.
  4.  Travel as much as possible.  I love the idea that the money you spend on travel, makes you richer rather than poorer.
  5.  Learn to be comfortable in your own skin.
  6.  Be kinder than necessary to yourself and to others.
  7. Pay attention to what lights you up inside, so that you can engage in those activities and experiences even more often.
  8.  Make lots of nourishing connections with stimulating, interesting, positive people.
  9. Eat a lot of living foods, to increase your energy and vitality.
  10. Have an attitude of GRATITUDE!





“Win- Win Weekend!”

After a long night of crazy shopping deals on Black Friday or Small Business Saturday — focus on your community and the small business that makes Grand Haven so unique. This year, we invite you to visit  Donaylle Nicole Hair Studio on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. It’s a great way to take a break from the chaos the season can bring and enjoy a leisurely afternoon getting a haircut, trying a new color or ombre treatment, or just re-connecting with yourself and your friends.

Some of our favorite treatments for a relaxing fall day are:

  • Revitalizing Customized Facial
  • Spa Pedicure and Blowout
  • 50% off your Color service with a Haircut

Support your community while you take some time for you to get styled and pampered – it’s a win-win this weekend!  Call 616-847-3141 to make a reservation or visit our website to learn more about our services.


“Here’s $20 on Us!”

Are you looking to give? Why not the gift of style with a Donaylle Nicole Hair Studio gift card!

      Friends and family can enjoy salon and spa services and choose from their favorite Keune and Kevin Muprhy products.

      As a bonus for every $100 purchased receive 20$ complimentary on us!* That’s an extra 20$ to use on services or products for yourself or a loved one.

     Come in to the salon and purchase your card in person or call over the phone with payment information and we can have the cards waiting for you for your next visit.

     Offer ends December 23. Don’t let the savings slip away!  

*gift cards valid for use starting January 1, 2017 


14650050_1398598673488180_4993057753136360774_nCOMING SOON to a Kevin Murphy salon near you! While we will miss the luxury line, we are very excited for Kevin’s newest wash and rinse, SMOOTH.AGAIN. For thick and coarse hair (men and women) this line is targeted to smooth and soften even the most unruly hair. For years Polynesians have known the benefits of monoi oil. Kevin Murphy uses it in his smooth again line to repair and smooth the hair and we just cannot wait to try it!


“This Month’s Hot Trend: Raising Awareness!”

1 out of 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

1 in 3 women have been victims of [some form of] physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime.

In honor of Awareness Month, we have picked our favorite pink and purple products to give back. Each one of these products gives a portion of their sales to help these women.

Most are aware of Donaylle Nicole Hair Studio’s involvement in charity, so October being awareness month is a great time to continue giving. We have loved supporting the Center for Woman in Tranistion and this year started to work with Cathy’s Caps. We strongly encourage and deeply appreciate your support this month to these charities.

Here is a list of products inclusions:


For more information on the Center for Woman in Transition you can visit their website here.

If you would like more information on Cathy’s Caps you can email sbouth@comcast.net or call 231.744.8236.

“Coffee Craze”

Chai, mocha, rasberry swirl… you might think that I’m just giving you a coffee order, but this fall the “cafe” is coming in salon. Yes, if you prefer to be traditional aubruns, violets, and rich browns always come up when the leaves start to turn. However, if you’re looking to change it up let’s think espresso!

hot toffee highlights!
All over rasberry color
All over rasberry color.
Mocha hair with hints of caramel to add dimension.
Mocha hair with hints of caramel to add dimension.










If you aren’t into coloring your hair or you naturally carry one of these gorgeous colors here are some of the other trends out there: natural texture – curly, wavy, straight. Uniform hair is out! It’s all about being who you are and rocking what your mama gave ya! Speaking of rock it’s back to the eighties ladies. Big hair is beautiful hair.  The 80’s street style is back more grunge and glamorous than ever.

Suno show corset inspired ribbon by Odile Gilbert

As for accessories go to the closest thrift shop: antique is in! If you prefer not to wear jewled head bands, try the “tied down” look as seen at Suno where stylist Odile Gilbert criss- crossed a ribbon down a models ponytail giving an undeniably stylish, fun, and animated corset look. Last, but not least, the easiest fall trend to execute right from your own home is changing up your part to put it to the side. A side part creates subtle signals of strength and independence, but make sure to “Check for Symmetry!”

What trend are you dying to try? Not sure which is best for you? See your favorite DNstylist for a consultation or comment below!

2016 Cut- A- Thon


Donaylle Nicole Hair Studio to host “Cut-a-Thon” event

Takes place during Grand Haven’s annual sidewalk sales, benefits Center for Women in Transition

Donaylle Nicole Hair Studio proudly announces our annual “Cut-a-Thon,” to be held during Grand Haven’s sidewalk sales. Stop by the salon (117 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417) on August 20, 2016 between the hours of 9am-5pm. Receive a haircut for just $20 – a great deal! In addition, the talented staff will be offering chair massages, makeup applications, and braiding. This year we also welcome DJ JWill4Real of Rokk Mass Entertainment to join in on the fun!1

Proceeds from this event benefit Center for Women in Transition (CWIT), a local nonprofit offering programs and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Serving all of Ottawa and Allegan counties, the Center assists more than 3,000 women, men and children each year. Services include emergency shelter, a 24-hour help line, adult and children’s therapy, and forensic sexual assault exams.

For more information, please contact the salon at 616-847-3141.

“Cool is the New Warm”

It’s heating up outside and so is this cool trend. Blonde never goes out of style, but this year the hair world upgraded to icy cool tones: This trend appeals to a broad audience. Whether you want to exude confidence, are more laid back, or edgy this cool trend, “JUST WORKS!”








A look at your wardrobe will tell you whether this trend is for you:

Do you prefer…

Raspberry red over orange red?

Cool colors like dove-gray, white, and jeans in true blue because they bring out the best version of you?

If the answers to these to questions were “yes,” then with a detailed complimentary consultation with one of our stylist this trend is definitley for you!

If you aren’t a blonde don’t worry this icy trend can still work in your favor. Brunettes can work with icy tones too!

Think rich chocolate truffle over creamy milk chocolate.


Ready to try the trend? Call DNhair!